Theses | 2023-2024 | CIFE European Institute - IE-EI
Research  >  2023 - 2024

2023 - 2024

Final Theses 2023 - 2024


 MAEIS - Applied European Policy and Governance Studies
 ABIDI Yasmin  The EU-NATO Relationship and the Development of the CSDP: To What Extent Have Europeans Advanced or Retreated Towards Strategic Autonomy?  
 BASMER Gero  The Balance of Payments: Enabler or Inhibitor of EU Actorness  
 BIGDELY Julien  Hybrid Warfare in the European Union: A Case Study on Islamic Radicalisation as a Hybrid Threat to the EU  
 DIAZ NASCIMENTO Clarissa  The EU-Mercosur Agreement: Chances and Risks for Brazilian Development  
 GRANDIEK Lili   Education for Human Capital or as a Human Right? The Impact of International Organisations on SDG 4.7 Implementation  
 KOCH Johanna   Encountering Euroscepticism: The EU’s Fight Against Disinformation in the Context of the 2024 European Parliament Elections  
 KOLA Geraldina    
 NOLD Rydwen  Sustainable Urban Development in Policy Making within the European Union: A Scale and Scope Analysis of the Efficiency of Sustainable Urban Projects  
 OTTENS Quite   EU Counter-Terrorism: Strategies, Policies and Its Effectiveness  
 RODEWALD Piotr   The Weimar Triangle and Domestic Politics: Turbulent Years or Business as Usual? An Analysis of the Trilateral Forum, 2005-2023  
 ROSEMOND Capucine  Défis et enjeux d’une convergence sociale au sein de l’UE  
 SADIR CHAHIRI Samah  Claiming Territory: Morocco and the Western Sahara Issue. An International Law Perspective


 MAEIS - European Integration and Global Studies
 ANTAL Olivia  NATO’s Response to Cyber Threats: Strategies, Effectiveness and Challenges  
 BAGGIO Matilde  Framing the Israel-Hamas War: A Comparative Analysis of the BBC and AJE Coverage of the First Two Weeks of Conflict  
 BATEMA Doortje  An Exploration of Democratic Promises for the EU: Assessing the Viability of Citizens Assemblies in Addressing Asylum and Migration Challenges at the European Level  
 BIOTTEAU Simon  EU Envicrime: Challenges and the Path Forward with the New Directive  
 DE WOLF William  Sustainable Finance in the Euro Area Banking Sector: A Critical Analysis of the ECB’s Banking Supervision Practices  
 DELLO IACONO Flavia  The Dynamics of EU Asylum Policy: Italy’s Regional Approach and the Call for Decentralisation  
 DENIZERI Irem  Migration Diplomacy: The EU-Türkiye Migration Deal and Its Implications on Foreign Policy  
 ELLIOTT Louise  Innovative Governance and the Just Transition: A Case Study on Bristol  
 EZENWATA Linda  Impact and Effectiveness of European Union Support in Facilitating Energy Transition Initiatives in West Africa  
 FERRER VILELLA Nuria  The Problem of Domestic Violence in The Hague Convention: Are Fleeing Mothers Protected?  
 FUENTES SCHMITTE Celia  Collaborative Migration Management: EU, Spain, Morocco and the European Neighbourhood Policy  
 GAPHER Benedicta  The Impact of the United Nations on Social Protection in Ghana: Achievements, Challenges and Implications  
 GERLOFF Ine  Empowering Resilience: The European Union’s Climate Policy in Times of Crises  
 GHERARDI Sara  “Crimmigration” in the European Union and in Italy: Policy Recommendations on Immigration Detention  
 GOMEZ MARTI Patricia  European Union Democracy Promotion in the Mediterranean: The Case Study of Tunisia  
 KETTERER Valentin   Analysing the Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on European Enlargement: A Case Study of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina  
 LECHLER Felix  China’s Attitude Towards International Law and Climate Protection Law in Particular: A New Challenge for the International Order?  
 MARIN MIRO Beatriz  Lessons Unlearned: Examining Greece’s Role in Shaping the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum  
 NALAWANA VITHANAGE Parami  The EU and IMF’s Relationship with Sri Lanka Regarding the Country’s Economic Crisis  
 NIEUWENHUIJS Marnix  The European Union and Drug Trafficking: Policy Analysis and Implications from the Perspectives of Ecuador and the Netherlands  
 NYANGAU Nigel  European Union-Africa Climate Partnership  
 PAVIA Camilla  Is Europe Fit for AI? An Analysis of the Adherence of the European Commission’s Work on AI to the Ethical Concerns of the European Group of Ethics in Science and New Technologies  
 ROMEIJNDERS Robert  Hierarchy, or: How European Governance Was Shaped on the Benchmark of the Public Administration Paradigms  
 RUSSOW Carla-Marie  Analysing South Korea and Japan’s ‘History Problem’: Will Memory Always Matter?  
 WITTIG Jasper  The Danger of Populism in the EU: An Analysis of the EU Rule of Law Toolbox Using the Example of Hungary  
 ZHIVOTIKOVA  Anna Maria  The Franco-German Tandem in EU Foreign Policy: On the Way to a Transnational European Identity?  


 MAEIS - Mediterranean Studies
 ALBERTINI Iman  Invisible in Black: Navigating National Identity of Black Tunisians in the City of Tunis
 APOSTOLIDIS Anastasia  De la politique européenne à l’assiette grecque
 DEVOLDER Julia  Entre Ayasofya et Marianne : l’encadrement religieux de la diaspora turque par Ankara en France, un enjeu pour « l’Islam des Lumières » et les valeurs républicaines ?
 FONTAINE Ursula  Le rôle ambigu de l’Arabie Saoudite dans la lutte anti-terroriste contre Al-Qaïda
 GÉRARD Céline  Cap vers l’Est ? Le panturquisme et la diplomatie culturelle de la Turquie en Asie centrale turcophone depuis 1991
 GOLLI Sirin  L’externalisation des politiques migratoires européennes : application à la Tunisie ?
 HAWAMDEH Odi  Is War Between China and the United States Inevitable? A Critical Analysis of Thucydides Trap
 KABRIT Giada  A Secure Middle East: A Complex Interdependence Between the European Union and Iran Under a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone
 LANG Hannah  La contribution de l’agriculture urbaine au défi de l’alimentation : Application à Dakar, Maputo et Tunis
 LOPEZ MARTINEZ Juan Jesús  The EU and the Palestinian Conflict: The Case of the Two State Solution and the Settlements
 MARCHISIO Michelangelo  Analyse des critères d’une puissance émergente au XXIe siècle : application à la Turquie
 PANICO Mariangela  Foreign Policy: The Missing Piece in Türkiye-EU Relations
 PLAZANET Clémence  Atouts et limites de la contribution des Organisations non gouvernementales sur le développement humain au Sénégal
 POWERS Jessica  Atouts et limites des politiques décoloniales : Application au Sénégal
 RICCI Elena  The European Union’s Migration Policy and the Protection of Human Rights: The Italian-Libyan Case
 WEBBER Tahlia  Éduquer pour intégrer : Analyse de l'intégration sociale des réfugiés Syriens de 5 à 17 ans en Türkiye à travers la scolarisation


 Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance
 ALSHAMALI Abdallah  
 BURROUGH Christopher  Managing Conflict: The Development and Implementation of Hydrogen Technology in Nigeria
 CECCONI Agostino  Energy Transition and Ports: Case Studies from Italy
 GRAY Alex  Assessing the Role of Renewable Mini Grids in Alleviating Energy Poverty and Promoting Sustainable Development in Sierra Leone
 HORNI PERALTA Francisco  Italy and Prosumers: Is It Harnessing the EU’s Legal Framework to Enable Prosumers’ Expansion?
 HORTON Aston  Citizen Centred Decarbonisation of Urban Mobility in Post-Socialist Cities: A Comparative Analysis of Tallinn and Skopje
 KARRAM Issam  The Role of Fusion Energy in the Future Energy Mix: A Sustainable Candidate?
 LENDER Radoslaw  From Vision to Reality: Evaluating the Practicality of Hydrogen Adoption in Poland
 MERHOLZ  Nele  The Challenges to Waste Heat Recovery in the German Steel Industry Dealing with Costs, Requirements and Incentive Systems
 MESHKI-KATARIA Roya  Nurturing the Trust-Participation Nexus in Chile’s Energy Transition: The Case Study of the Baha’I Temple of South America
 RASTOGI Isha  When Climate Finance Is Not the Only Problem: How Do Policies and Effective Utilisation of Funds Drive Climate Action in India?
 RODE Bruno  Agri-Photovoltaics as a Balance Mechanism in the Water Energy Food Nexus of Kenya
 SANKAR Venkat
 SCHEPERS Joren  Beyond Trade-Offs: Combining Social and Climate Policy in France
 SOKOLIC Ankica  Macedonian Energy Transition: For the People, with the People
 TEUFEL Andrea  Chile, Energy Transition and Geopolitical Dependence: Is the Chilean Mining Sector Under International Dependency?


  Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs


  Joint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy


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