Mémoires | 2020-2021 | Institut européen - IE-EI
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2020 - 2021

Mémoires de fin d'études 2020 - 2021

 DHEEI - Politiques européennes et gouvernance - Études trilingues
 AZRAK Paul  Towards a Deepening of Economic Integration through the European Union’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic 
 BALZER Nina  Pollution des eaux en Chine et en France  
 CADENNE FEUILLETTE Roxanne  L’OTAN et les défis de défense et de sécurité de l’Union européenne  
 FINDLAY Calum  From Football to Film: Analysing the Intentions and Impact of the UK’s Cultural Soft Power  
 GAULTIER Rachel  La politique européenne d’intégration des migrants depuis la crise de 2015
 GYÖRGY David  Dedemocratisation Processes in Hungary  
 KINCHE Alexandre  Le monde vu du Kremlin  
 LAUWERS Valeriya  La RSE et les chaînes d'approvisionnement : les STN dans les pays en développement  
 LHABITANT Florian  Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy in the Yemen War   

 DHEEI - Construction européenne et études globales
 BERISHA Arlinda  Kosovo's Statehood and its Path towards the European Union  
 CASAMORT VILA Blanca  The Strategy of the Catalan ‘Independence’ Movement to Stay Within the European Union  
 COUTARD Paul  Rewilding Europe and the European Union’s Environmental Policy
 DÖRING Celina  The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture - Case Study of the Colombian Coffee Sector and Current Policies  
 DUSHI Diana  Peace, Justice and Institutions – The Case of Kosovo  
 ELSHANI Eduard  EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans – The Role of Domestic Actors in EU Member States  
 FOSTER Jonathan  ‘Pandemic Othering’ during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: How has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected the Japanese Public’s Perceptions of Foreigners, and What Role has the Discourse from the Government of Japan and the Japanese Mass Media Played?
 KUPFNER Michaela  Open Arms or Closed Minds? Changing Migration Policies in EU Institutions vs Member States after the European Migration Crisis in 2015  
 LAVIGNE Morgane  Conflict and Cooperation between QUAD and China: To What Extent do the Security Interests of QUAD Countries (USA-Japan-India-Australia) in Local and International Affairs Influence their Willingness to Cooperate Economically with the People’s Republic of China (PRC)?  
 MANDAL Isha  The Impact of Domestic Gender Equality in Foreign Policy: Assessment of Conflicts in India and South Africa during 2014–2018  
 MOGILDEA Renata  Future Perspectives of Cooperation between the EU and China over the Human Rights Dialogues  
 MORO Rachele  The ‘Conspiracy Outbreak’: (Dis)information Contagion during the Pandemic
 NENCIOLINI Matteo  Unaccompanied Minors’ Challenges and Possible Ways to Improve their Conditions in Italy and Greece  
 PLATON-GROSSU Mariana  The Impact of the Digital Revolution on the Public Services Sector: EU Member States’ Perspective  
 PRANGL Eleni Natalie  Big Data: A Global Frontier. Technological Power and Data Governance  
 SAHOULBA Malka  An Analysis of Rape as a Weapon of War in the Democratic Republic of Congo  
 SHATAT Mohammad  The Effect of EU-Funded Programmes on Syrian Refugees in Jordan and the Jordanian Economy  
 TIMOTHY Oribi  Federalism and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria  
 UGWU Juliet  Post Conflict Reconstruction: The Role of Transitional Justice. The Case of Sierra Leone  

 DHEEI - Études Méditerranéennes
  AKETTAB Ghita  Energies renouvelables et développement durable au Maroc - Projet Noor Ouarzazate  
  BUERGERS Simon  The Turkish LGBTQ+ Community in the Nexus Between the AKP and the EU
  CASALE Massimiliano  EU Facilitating Democratic Transition in Tunisia: A Case Study on the NGO Al Bawsala in the Post-Arab Spring Scenario  
  DANCRADE Rachel  Vers une nouvelle façon de faire la guerre : les rapports entre Iran et Israël  
  DJELASSI Safaa  La restitution des oeuvres d’art africaines par la France  
  EVEN Pauline  L’économie européenne, révélatrice des inégalités entre Palestiniens et Israéliens mais potentielle pourvoyeuse d’une résolution du conflit  
  GACHELIN Marienne  La diplomatie sportive de l'Union européenne  
  HAMED Annissa  Le nouveau pacte migratoire européen sur la migration et l’asile : Entre renforcement des frontières et création de nouvelles procédures d’asile, le pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile, permet-il l’instauration d’une politique d’asile unique ?  
  KHELIF Marwa  L’autonomisation de l’Union européenne en matière de maintien de la paix  
  LE BRIS Anaëll  Libye et puissances étrangères dans l’engrenage  
  RENIER Lisa  La paix positive au sein des missions de la Politique de sécurité et de défense commune de l’Union européenne au Mali : les missions de la Politique de sécurité et défense commune garantissent-elles la construction de la paix positive dans un Mali déchiré entre manque de gouvernance, volontés indépendantistes et islamisme radical ?  
  VOGLAUER Karoline  Reconsidering the Mediterranean through Culture, Art and Dialogue - The Ana Lindh Foundation as an Example of Soft Power  

 Diplôme des hautes études sur la transition et la gouvernance énergétique globale
 ADEDIRAN Kenneth  The Polish Nuclear Controversy. An Evaluation of Economic and Socio-Political Rationales  
 BACCHINI Emma  Rethinking the Energy System to Reduce Inequalities: Innovative Initiatives at the EU, National and Local Level  
 BARKER-VORMAWOR Paula  Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Access Policies: A Ghanaian Case Study
 BREE Darragh  Degrowth: A Concept to Address Climate and Energy Inequalities?  
 BÜLBÜL Eda  How to Fix the EU’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance to Turkey’s Climate Action  
 FERGUSON Andrew  Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Organic Waste: Obstacles and Opportunities in California
 GHATTAS Haifa  Smart Cities: a Myth or a Reality?  
 JANSSENS Lauren  The Role of Nuclear Energy in the EU Green Deal  
 JOSEPH Jeremy  Assessing Energy Access in Haiti  
 KALLUR Manjunath Gangadhar  Solar Energy Transition in India. Can Solar Energy Provide a Competitive Alternative to Coal in the Indian Energy Sector?  
 KIM YEAT Tony    
 LAOUEJ Faouzi  Energy Transition - The Role of Oil and Gas Companies  
 LU Jeffrey  The Different Pathways of Hydrogen Adoption: A Social-Technical Analysis of Hydrogen Approaches in Germany and Australia
 MARROUN Otman Mohammed  Towards a Sustainable Supply of Critical Minerals for Batteries. An Assessment of the Actions by Different Stakeholders at the EU Level  
 MARSHALL Andrew  Overcoming the Challenges in the Supply Chain for Lithium-Ion Batteries in Europe  
 MAZZONI Linda  Bioenergy in the EU-Mercosur Agreement: An Empty Shell?
 OLSSON Daniel  The Political Polarisation of Energy Transition Discourse in the United States and its Effects on Local Renewable Energy Adoption  
 PICHUGINA Anna  Solar in Russia: Opportunities and Obstacles  
 SINGH Dipendra  Mini-Grid: A Way to Address Energy Access in Uttar Pradesh  
 WALKER Toby  Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage: A Major Player for Decarbonisation?

  Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs
 ABU ZAROUR Rakan   The Impact of Covid-19 on Refugees' Education (The Case of Jordan)
 APRILE Chiara  The Growing Importance of Sustainable Development in Free Trade Agreements: Analysis of the EU-Mercosur Negotiations
 BAVINGTON  Claire Theresa  Corruption in Public-Private Partnerships as a Barrier to Sustainable Development 
 BECK Alicia  Clandestine Diplomacy in France and Germany: Russia's and China's Support for Radical Right-Wing Parties
 CAPONE Giulia   Can the China-Taiwan Conflict be Resolved Peacefully in an International Scenario?  
 COMINCIOLI Luca Mario  The Role of Blockchain in Improving Land-Users’ Rights (Can Blockchain Solve Corruption Problems in Land Administration in Developing Countries? - The Case of India) 
 CURRELI Carolina   How did Lobbyists Adjust their Strategies to the Age of Zoom? An Empirical Analysis of the Environmental Policy-Making in the European Union
 DANNAU Loeka  Comparative Case Study of Terrorism in France during the Algerian War (1954-1962) and Today (2015-2021): The Security Response to Counter Terrorism - An Islamophobic Narrative since Decolonization
 DERKS Jonathan  An Analysis of the Sino American Relationship During the 21st Century 
 DRTINOVA Valentyna   Analysis of Gender Inequalities in the Workplace in the Czech Republic
 FORMICOLA Ludovica  E-Participation in the EU: How Can Internet-Based Participation Tools Contribute to Public Deliberation
 GIANNOTTI  Floriana   Green Bonds Issuance and the Growth of the Market. A Comparative Case Study between Italy and Germany
 HAMZEY Allyson   Climate Change and Forced Migration: Assessing the Gender Impacts in the U.S. and Italy
 KRASTING Niko  Fraudulent Medicines in the Shadow of the Pandemic. Examining the Institutional Capacity of Global Mechanisms Against the Rising Trade in Falsified Medicines during the Covid-19 Pandemic
 LAZE Deanira  Digitalization as a Tool Against Corruption in the Public Administration
 MACHADO Melinda  Targeted Political Advertising and Data Protection Policies: A Comparison of Germany and the United States
 MAGAGNIN Antonia   Aquaculture and Sustainable Food Production: Challenges and Opportunities  
 MARULLO Jacopo Andrea   Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management: An Empirical Analysis
 MEDD Sophie  Ethical Governance for the Use of Data and AI Focusing on the UK and Use in Public Service Delivery
 MEIER Vivien  Barriers to Sustainable Water Management in the Agricultural Sector in Andalusia: A Grounded Theory Approach
 NECCI Andrea  The Covenant of Mayors and the Municipality of Florence within Multi-Level Climate Governance: A Case Study on Apolycentric Governance System  
 ORLANDONI Renata   Digitization of Music: Current Challenges and the Way Forward
 QUARANTA Antonio  Cybersecurity: NATO’s Challenge  
 RIZZI Federica   Integration through Education? A Study of University Programs in Austria and Italy
 SALSONE Giulia  China's Strategy to Decoupling International Governance Built by the U.S.? The Case of RCEP
 WOOD Alison  Political Systems and the Gender Gap: New York City and London

   Joint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy
 BELLON MORAL Alicia  The Integration of EU Circular Economy Policies in the External Trade Policy: A Case Study of the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement 
 BIASI Valentina  Desertification in the European Union: Too Little, Too Late?
 CALAMANTI Giada   Security and Climate Change Linkage: Analyzing the European Discourse until the Defence Roadmap
 ERDAC Ezgi  Regional Powers and their Effectiveness on Climate Change-Related Policies. A Case Study on Berlin Municipality and Izmir Metropolitan Municipality
 FIGLIOLINI Valentina   Covid-19 and the Agricultural Sector: Policy Response and Challenges   
 FIORE Doristella  Legal Framework of the Gas Market Liberalisation in Europe and in Italy
 JOSEPH Chris  Culture in the European Union: From Society to Policies 
 MANCA Lorenzo  Exploring the View of Experts on the Governance of the Science-Policy Interface. The Case of Nuclear Fusion in the EU
 MOCCHEGIANI Sofia   Are Future Net-Zero Cities our Medium-Term Decarbonization Strategy? 
 WOJCIECHOWSKA Ewa  How Circular Economy Can Affect the Pattern of Textile System, with Particular Focus on Fashion and Carpet Industry



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