Mémoires 2014 - 2015
Filière Trilingue |
AL-BITAR, Farah |
Democratic Reform in the Case of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: A Path of a Modern Democratic Transition in a Muslim and a Constitutional Monarchy |
Human Trafficking and Prostitution in the EU: Policy Impact in a Seemingly Endless Crime (Focus on Germany) |
Harmful Tax Competition in the EU: An Inquiry in Direct Tax Harmonization Schemes |
Les relations internationales entre le Saint-Siège et les pays du Proche-Orient depuis le second concile du Vatican. Etude d’une politique étrangère originale à l’épreuve du dialogue interreligieux |
GOCHEVA, Petya-Gergana |
EU horizontal policy integration in terms of sustainable development. Is the approach of the new European Commission coherent? |
GONZALEZ, Bernardo |
Evolution of the USUNSC Relationship: Comparison between the Clinton and W. Bush Administrations |
Du rapport imparfait entre croissance économique et développement humain |
HAABY, Adeline |
Le lobby agroalimentaire au sein de l’Union européenne |
The international promotion of democracy - ( Western Balkans - promotion and implementation) - Comparing Macedonian and Serbian Democracy |
Transformation im Iran. Das Ausmaß der Geschlechterdiskriminierung als Hindernis |
MASCRÉ, Aline |
Comment la Responsabilité de protéger a-t-elle été développée, appliquée et débattue ? |
MATSINGANG, Sylvie-Babette |
La théorie du Consociationalisme : analyse cas du Cameroun |
MPEI A FIKONG, Harrel Kevin |
La Protection des droits civils et politiques de l’individu par le droit international régional : comparaison entre Europe et Afrique |
NEUBAUER, Svenja Lena |
Die Rolle von Nichtregierungsorganisationen in der russischen Zivilgesellschaft |
RADU, Gabriela |
Good Governance during Crisis or a Good Crisis for Good Governance? Study of Political Dynamics Triggered By the Economic Crisis in US and EU |
ROMBAUT, Irène |
1997 – 2015 : 18 ans de dévolution Le bilan d’un Royaume en voie de (dés)unification |
RUMP, Mareike |
Democratization and Autocratization- A Case Study of Turkey since the Accession to Power of the AKP and Erdogan in 2003 |
The International Criminal Court in Africa: Analysis of the cases of the ICC in Uganda, Sudan and Kenya |
TEPELIJA, Arnisa |
The changing role of the triangle EU- CoE – OSCE in the field of the Rule of Law in countries preparing for EU accession. The case of Albania |
VALERO, Maïa |
PME et financements européens : le cas de Sophia-Antipolis |
WEBER, Jelena |
German-American relationship under Obama and Merkel - Allies and Aliens |
Filière Anglophone |
ASLANLI, Kenan |
Driving forces behind economic transformation and “middle-income trap” risk in the Malaysian economy |
Reconceptualising Minority Rights in the EU. Theorising a group-differentiated model of integration |
BABIC, Ana |
Deeper fiscal integration as a result of the European sovereign debt crisis? Analyzing fiscal implications of economic measures taken within the EU’s institutional framework during the crisis |
BAMPALOUKA, Charikleia |
The impact the Euro-Turkish relations have on Greek-Turkish relations. A conflict of interest that endeavors to reconcile a rivalry provoked by Greece’s veto against Turkey’s accession in the European Union |
BOTAN, Diana |
Moldova at the croassroad between Russia and European Union Reanimation of Transnistria Conflict in the context of Ukrainian crisis? |
Syrian Refugee Crisis: Two Regional Actor Response - Comparison: Jordan and Turkey |
DE GRAEVE, Floriane |
EU’s approach toward gender equality in the labour market Analyses of criticism and case study comparison of Sweden and Spain |
DIMITROV, Isabel |
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain? A Comparative Analysis of the Renewed Debate and Implications for the Future of Skilled Migration Policies |
DJIKI El, Gibbor |
RWANDAN WOMEN AND THE GENOCIDE: Women guarantor of peace and stability in Rwanda? |
DREISÖRNER, Marlene Sophia |
New EU Member States and Their Implementation of the Equal Pay Directive. Gender stereotypes and their impact on implementation outcomes with a case study of Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, and Slovenia. |
GLIESING, Christoph |
ISIS the most successful terrorist organization. How did the power shift from the Sunni to the Shiite Arabs in Iraq support the rise of ISIS? |
Why Greece is still in crisis? The role of the international community and imposed austerity measures in Greece |
HASAJ, Blerina |
Human rights criteria Of Albania's ambition to become a member of to became a member of European Union |
HUISMAN, Ysbrand Jacobus |
The Effectiveness of Foreign Lobbying on the Allocation of United States Foreign Aid: Case Studies of Liberia and Ethiopia |
School Choice in Sweden: Effects on Segregation and Student Performance |
KASRADZE, Vakhtang |
EU Tackles Abkhazia and Karabakh. The Role of the EU in Managing Frozen Conflicts in its Eastern Neighborhood |
KIPPEN, Alexandra Sophie |
The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the United Nations: a relationship haunted by the past? |
Integration of immigrants in the United Kingdom. Diversity, challenges, Britishness |
KUZINA, Ekaterina |
New Horizons for the EU Public Diplomacy. EU Public Diplomacy in Conflict Resolution |
MAZURAT, Sigrith |
The European Union's Commitment to Fundamental Rights. From Rhetoric to Reality |
MARTINS, Monisha |
Shadow warriors & fleeting peace. The impact of private military and security contractors on state-building |
From Nationalism to Statehood. Events, causes and reasons of the new secessionist movement in Catalonia |
MITEA, Anamaria-Florentina |
The extent to which European community regional policy was successful in promoting regional convergence, a case study of Italy and the United Kingdom. |
PYTLYK, Michael |
A step from Love to Hatred: Euroscepticism in Central-Eastern Europe A comparative analysis of Eurosceptic tendencies in Hungary and Poland |
RÖHRS, Flavia |
How to Empower the Powerless? The Work and Influence of Local and Transnational Advocacy Networks - A Case Study of Advocacy Networks to End Violence Against Women in India |
VOGEL, Lukas |
Does the EU need to more strongly integrate its development cooperation policy? A study on the coherence of national and supra-national development cooperation policies within the EU |
What can TTIP learn from ACTA? Lobbying regulations in the EU and the impact of civil society lobbies on EU decision-making processes |
VOSSEN, Jessie Anna Regina |
The needs and challenges for Dutch SMEs: How to reach their growth potential? |
YILDIZ, Naim |
Cybercrime in the Globalized 21st Century: Sources, Typology and Impacts in Cyberspace. Is there a way to make cyberspace safe from cyber criminals? |
Political Approximation of Georgia and Moldova to European Union |
ZHOU, Zheng |
China’s Electric Energy Transition and International Strategies - The Case of Thermal Electric Power Cooperation with Turkey |