Filière Anglophone
ALAVI Hamed |
Compatibility of Business Norms and Environmental Protection Norms, Case Study of World Trade Organization’s role in Sustainable Development |
ATAS Hayriye |
Protection of Minority Rights in European Union under the Perspective of Human Rights |
BALAN Carmen Raluca |
Debating Future: Discussions on the Finality of the European Union |
Motivation for European Integration: Rescue or Overcome the Nation State? An analysis of the Schuman Plan: critics by A. Mouravchik & A.S. Milward |
CHANEVIC Kristina |
European Union Policies on Greening Small and Medium Sized Enterprises |
DASHI Kloida |
American and European International organisations’ efforts on fighting corruption in the South-Eastern Balkans. Success or Failure? A comparison between Romania and Albania |
EU’s Western Balkan Policy – European Integration of the Western Balkan – Perceptions and Predictions |
DONGO SUEIRO Mayte Anais |
The EU bilateral and inter-regional free trade agreements at a glance: A tendency towards bilateral negotiations |
EKINCI Elifcan |
Alleviation of Poverty & Practices of Microfinance |
EROFEEVA Victoria |
The Study of Nordic Countries role as environmental policy leaders in the Baltic Sea Region – Case Study of Estonia following Sweden and Finland as a role model |
GHULAM NABI Rahmat Nabi |
Women's rights in Afghanistan |
GÜBÜR Sinem Gülay |
The impact of Israeli Settlement Policy & Hamas’ Terrorism on the failure of the Oslo Peace Process |
HOFF Amanda |
Democracy and Secularism – An Historical Investigation and Comparison of Disparate Approaches and Respective Successes of Secular and Democratic Republics |
KARAKAS Sebnem |
International Financial Institutions and sustainable development |
Sexual Violence against Women in South Africa: the Social Climate Surrounding Rape and the Position of the Internal Protection System |
Comparing EU Integration Process – Macedonia and Croatia |
15 years after Dayton – Has Democracy regime building failed in BiH? |
MURATAJ Anduena |
Albania and the European Union – Is EU conditionality working? |
Anticorruption and the role of Multilateral Development Institutions |
PAI Shen Jung |
Gold Market's role in the World Economy |
PILLAY Cassandra |
The Behavioural Economics of Climate Change: A matter of perception |
RÖSSLER Julian |
End of Anarchy - An analysis of the relationship between International Relations and International Criminal Law |
SAGLAM Idil Gülnihal |
The EU – Turkey Relations in Regional Development and the Interaction of NGOs in the Process |
International Competition Policy and Anti-dumping policy analysed |
Environmental Migration: A Global issue under European Union Leadership? |
SINAV Gülçin |
Democracy promotion policies of the European Union and the United States – The Case of Jordan |
SKUPIN Lucas |
To what extent did the Arab Spring trigger a transformation of dominant paradigms in French Foreign policy? |
Comparison of EU and Russian foreign policy in Eastern Europe – Case Study: Transnistria Conflict |
European Social Model in the Eastern and Central Europe |
TAS Ahmet Taskin |
“The Influence of European Commission’s Youth in Action Programme on Turkish Youth Regarding Their Perception and Approach Towards the European Union” |
TEKIN Pinar |
Turkey’s Environment Policy and EU Accession: Long Expected Chapter of Regulations |
The European Future of the Western Balkans – steps towards EU integration (emphasize on Bosnia and Herzegovina) |