ANYA Victry |
Privatisation of Security: Domestic and International Private Security in Africa |
Towards a Common European Immigration Policy – Special Focus on ‘the Blue Card Poject" |
BALTAG Alexandru |
La République de Moldavie et l’Ukraine comme enjeu entre l’Union européenne et la Russie |
BEGANU Elena Sorina |
Entre renouveau et continuité, l’Union pour la Méditerranée |
BERLINER Johannes |
Climate Change - A Leadership Role For the EU? From Building an International Regime to Domestic Policy Implementation |
Partner im Wettbewerb? Der Einfluss Afrikas auf die europäisch-chinesischen Beziehungen |
Exporting Democracy - Strategies and Approaches of the United States and the European Union in Transformation Countries - The Case of Ukraine |
CHERIFI Christine |
Les Relations entre l’Union Européenne et l’Autorité Palestinienne après l’arrivée au pouvoir du Hamas |
Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe - Counter Measures and Their Limits |
DICHAMP Géraldine |
La France et la Politique Européenne de Sécurité et de Défense : Les difficultés d’un leadership |
DOPP Jascha |
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Kooperation in der Europäischen Verteidigungsindustrie |
DOSSIN Jehan |
Analyse de l’Evolution des Enjeux de l’Arctique |
La libération du "marché européen du gaz" et la mise en place du troisième paquet législatif |
The development of EU-policy in the WTO in the 21st century - EU as a Fortress or Pusher in the Doha Development Round? |
GUSEV Alexander |
Energy Relations between the European Union and Russia : content, problems, prospects |
HINZ Mona |
Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa- ein Regime im Wandel? Herausforderung und Grenzen der Sicherheitsinstitution |
Democratic transformation of Ukraine after Orange revolution until now |
LITRA Leonid |
The EU - Russia Relations and the Question of Democracy |
LUCAN Georgiana |
Computer-based attacks on governments – The cyber dimension of conflicts |
Austria’s Neutrality and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union |
MILFORD Brandon |
Affirmative Action: A Solution for France to Fight Discrimination and Encourage Integration? |
PETROVAS Sotirios |
Parliamentary Democracy in the Lisbon Treaty |
PILCH Katarzyna |
The Impact of the EU on political transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. From enlargement to ENP. With a Case Study on Ukraine |
RINAS Juliane |
Mediating the Kosovo Conflict - The role of the European Union |
ROBU Anca Mihaela |
Massenmedien und Demokratie in Den Osteuropäischen Ländern – Sind Die Ausländischen Investitionen ein Motor der Demokratiseirung ? |
SCHOLZ Saskia |
Europapolitik und -fähigkeit französischer Regionen |
VAIDA Iulia |
News Media and Religious Terrorism a Vicious Circle? |
WETZEL Crissta |
Tango Yankee!? Establishing, Reassessing, and Repositioning of the U.S. Armed Forces in Europe |
ZYUZEV Roman |
Gas market liberalization as a key driver of change of the European gas market and its influence on the strategies of the main players |