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GLOBAL GOVERNANCE  / European Governance

Étymologie du terme "gouvernance" (pdf)



12 Principles of Good Democratic Governance - COUNCIL OF EUROPE 2022 (pdf)


  Global Governance under Populism: The Challenge of Information Suppression - February 23, 2024 (pdf)

  Global Governance and International Cooperation - Managing Global Catastrophic Risks in the 21st Century - 2024 (pdf)

  Geopolitics and global economic governance - Andrew Hurrell - 2024 (pdf)

  Global economic order and global economic governance - 2024 (pdf)

A Breakthrough for People and Planet - Effective and Inclusive Global Governance for Today and the Future - 2023 (pdf)

New world, new rules? Final report on the Transformation of Global Governance Project 2018-2021 - EUI 2022

Towards a new international economic governance: The possible role of Europe - EUI NOVEMBER 2021

GLOBE Policy Brief: Future Challenges for Global Governance - 2022 (pdf)

REPORT - Global governance after COVID-19: Survey report - Kemal Dervis and Sebastian Strauss August 2021

Global Governance at a Turning Point. The Role of the G20 - IAI 2020

Gouverner la mondialisation - Revue européenne du droit 2021

Economic Governance Improvements and Sovereign Financing Costs in Developing Countries - World Bank 2021

Challenges of Global Governance Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic - CFR May 2020 (pdf)

Global Governance and the Future of International Institutions - 2020 (pdf)

Rethinking global governance - DISCUSSION PAPER — WINTER 2020 (pdf)

Market Responses to Global Governance: International Climate Cooperation and Europe’s Carbon Trading - 2020 (pdf)

CIGI Papers No. 233 — November 2019 - China’s New Concept of Global Governance and Action Plan for International Cooperation - Yong Wang (pdf)

Global Economic Governance Through the Lens of Inequality and Sustainable Development - 2019 (pdf)

A Global Governance That Protects? Global governance and the defence of democracy - Manuel Lafont Rapnouil, Head, European Council of Foreign Relations (Paris Office) - June 2019 (pdf)

The transformational role of the Great Recession for economic governance - 2018 (pdf)

Should we give up on global governance? Policy Contribution - Issue n°17 | October 2018 - Jean Pisani-Ferry

“The Turn of the Screw”: The Impact of Globalisation on Global Governance - Victoria Garrad, Apr 14 2018

GLOBAL GOVERNANCE OF CLIMATE CHANGE - The Paris Agreement as a New Component of the UN Climate Regime - D.A. Wirth   - INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS RESEARCH JOURNAL. Vol. 12. No 4 (2017) (pdf)

Multi-level Governance Reforms - Overview of OECD Country Expériences - May 2017 (lecture en ligne)

Policy Integration and Multi-Level Governance: Dealing with the Vertical Dimension of Policy Mix Designs - 2017

Just Security and the Crisis of Global Governance - 2016 (pdf)

The G20 and Global Governance - Stephen Kirchner 2016 (pdf)

Emerging Powers and Global Governance : Whither the IMF? - Rakesh Mohan, uneesh Kapur - October 02, 2015

The Crisis of the Existing Global Paradigm of Governance and Political Economy - April 2014

Governance as a global development goal? Setting, measuring and monitoring the Post-2015 Development Agenda - David Hulme1, Antonio Savoia and Kunal Sen - March, 2014 - ESID Working Paper No. 32 (pdf)

Transforming Global Governance for the 21st Century - 2013 Human Development Report Office - OCCASIONAL PAPER (pdf)


GOUVERNANCE MONDIALE : S’ATTAQUER AU TERRAIN DES VALEURS - Pascal Lamy, Directeur général de l’OMC et président d’honneur de Notre Europe – Institut Jacques Delors - 15 JANVIER 2013


Russia, China and global governance - Written by Charles Grant, 29 February 2012 - Will be the 'multipolar' world have strong international institutions, or will balance-of-power politics prevail? The attitudes of Russia and China will be crucial

Sustainable Global Governance for the 21st Century - Dialogue on Globalization N° 45 / September 2009 - Thomas G. Weiss, Tapio Kanninen, and Michael K. Busch (pdf)

Federalism and Global Governance - Mary Bottari and Lori Wallach - 2008 (pdf)


Reforming global governance: How to make the IMF more independent - Daniel Gros, Ulrich Klüh & Beatrice Weder di Mauro - 2 April 2009 (pdf)

From International Politics to Global Governance? The Case of Nature Conservation - Klaus Dingwerth - Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS), Universität Bremen - GARNET Working Paper No: 46/08 - June 2008 (pdf)

Deliberation and Global Governance: Liberal, Cosmopolitan and Critical perspectives - James Brassett - GARNET Working Paper: No 25/07 October 2007 (pdf)

Comparing Political Governance: Southeastern Europe in a Global Perspective - C·A·P Policy Research · 1 · 2006

Global Governance: The European Union’s Contribution  - Martin Ortega - 29 May 2006, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris

New Modes of Governance and the Participatory Myth - EUROGOV No. N-06-01 / March 7 , 2006 - Stijn Smismans (pdf)

GOUVERNANCE : UN CONCEPT APOLITIQUE ? Communication pour la Table ronde « Quel modèle politique est sous-jacent au concept apolitique de Gouvernance ?» Mardi 29 août 2000 - Bonnie Campbell (pdf)

Refonder la gouvernance mondiale pour répondre aux défis du 21ème siècle - 2001 - L'Alliance pour un monde responsable, pluriel et solidaire

Les principes de la gouvernance au 21ème siècle - Synthèse des travaux proposée par Pierre Calame - 6 septembre 2001

Types of Multi-Level Governance - Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks - European Integration online Papers (EIoP) Vol. 5 (2001) N° 11


  Futures in EU governance: Anticipatory governance, strategic foresight and EU Better Regulation - 2024 (pdf)

Reforming the EU’s economic governance: Opportunities with risks and challenges - 2023 (pdf)

Perspectives for EU governance: Between Community method, new-intergovernmentalism and parliamentarisation - European Parliament 2022   

Democratic control and legitimacy in the evolving economic governance framework - European Parliament 2022

Breaking The Stalemate - Upgrading EU economic governance for the challenges ahead - 2022

Rethinking EU economic governance: The Stability and Growth Pact - 11/2021

The Impact of Differentiation on EU Governance: Effectiveness, Sustainability and Accountability - Nicoletta Pirozzi and Matteo Bonomi - November 2021

Global Governance and the European Union: Future Trends and Scenarios” (GLOBE)

The Quality of Governance in Europe: A Guide for the Perplexed - 2020 (pdf)

Governance and Local Administrative Reform: Perspectives and Lessons Learned from Europe - 2020 (pdf)

Europe's governance in crises: politicisation and adaptation - May 2020 (pdf)

EU ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE AFTER THE CRISIS - Revisiting the Accountability Shift in EU Economic Governance - September 2018 (pdf)

Political and Economic Governance in the Balkans and Eastern Europe Compared - 2018 (pdf)

Governance Approaches to European Integration - Tanja A. Börzel - WORKING PAPER No. 84 | May 2018 (pdf)

Political and Economic Governance in the Balkans and Eastern Europe Compared - Michael Emerson and Gergana Noutcheva - No 2018/06, July 2018 (pdf)


Economic governance in the EU after the Eurozone crisis: a state of affairs - Christakis Georgiou - 2017

Democracy and governance in the EU – toward a more democratic Union - IED Working Paper by Mihai Sebe - 12.2017

Beyond the Panama Papers. The Performance of EU Good Governance Promotion - Toronto 2017 (pdf)

International Financial Governance, the EU, and Brexit: The ‘Agencification’ of EU Financial Governance and the Implications - Niamh Moloney - November 2016 (pdf)

The New EU Governance: New Intergovernmentalism, New Supranationalism, and New Parliamentarism - by Vivien A. Schmidt - 2016 (pdf)

From EU Governance of Crisis to Crisis of EU Governance: Regulatory Failure, Redistributive Conflict, and Euroskeptic Publics - Tanja A. Börzel - WORKING PAPER - No. 74 | August 2016 (pdf)

Good Governance in EU External Relations:What role for development policy in a changing international context? European Parliament 2016 (pdf)


The EU's economic governance explained

Improving the legitimacy of EU economic governance: why and how? Working Paper no 72 - Renaud Thillaye - December 2014 (pdf)

La gouvernance économique de l’UE en clair - Commission Européenne - MEMO/13/979 - 12/11/2013

From Subsidiarity to Better EU Governance: A Practical Reform Agenda for the EU - Steven Blockmans, Judith Hoevenaars, Adriaan Schout, Jan Marinus Wiersma - CEPS Essays, April 2014

EU governance and EU funds - testing the effectiveness of EU funds in a sound macroeconomic framework - Economic Papers 510 - December 2013 (pdf)

EU governance and European identity - Viktoria Kaina - Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski - July 2013

Qu’est ce que la gouvernance économique européenne ? Histoire, contexte actuel, perspectives - Points de vue alternatifs - 20 avril 2013

Civil society participation in EU governance - Eva G. Heidbreder - 2012

European Parliament elections and EU governance - Michael Marsh and Slava Mikhaylov - 2010

Gouvernance économique européenne : l'Union à la croisée des chemins - Pervenche BERÈS - Note du Cerfa n°94b, avril 2012

European Economic Governance. And what is about the Social Dimension? - spotlight europe - 2011/04 – September 2011

Quelle influence peut avoir la gouvernance européenne ? Réforme du pacte de stabilité et de croissance, stratégie Europe 2020 et « semestre européen » - Björn Hacker / Till van Treeck


La gouvernance économique européenne - Rapport d'information de MM. Pierre BERNARD-REYMOND et Richard YUNG, fait au nom de la commission des affaires européennes - n° 49 (2010-2011) - 19 octobre 2010

THE EVOLUTION OF EUROPEAN SPACE GOVERNANCE: POLICY, LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL IMPLICATIONS - Florent Mazurelle, Jan Wouters, Walter Thiebaut- Working Paper No. 25 – April 2009

Identité, puissance et gouvernance européenne : les conflits de l’Union européenne - Christophe REVEILLARD - Juillet 2008 Géostratégiques n° 20 - Les crises en Europe

Europe and Global Economic Governance - Pier Carlo Padoan - EU Diplomacy Papers - 2 / 2008

La gouvernance économique de l'Union européenne : controverses et pistes de réformes - Auteur : Jean-François Jamet - questions d'Europe n° 67 - juillet 2007

New Modes of Governance in the EU: Common Objectives versus National Preferences - EUROGOV No. N-07-01 - Published: January 16, 2007 - Manuele Citi and Martin Rhodes

No. 1 · Nov 2005 - Almut Metz - Innovation in EU Governance? Six Proposals for Taming Open Co-Ordination - Bertelsmann Group for Policy Research - Policy Analysis (pdf)


Europeanization: A Governance Approach - Paper to be presented at the EUSA 8th International Biennial Conference, Nashville, March 27-29, 2003 - Ian Bache (pdf)

Modes of Regulation in the Governance of the European Union: Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation - Christoph Knill and Andrea Lenschow - European Integration online Papers (EIoP) Vol. 7 (2003) N° 1

The Jean Monnet Working Paper No.3/02 - Alberta M. Sbragia - The Dilemma of Governance with Government

Misfits: EU Law and the Transformation of European Governance - Renaud Dehousse - Jean Monnet Working Paper n° 2/2002

The Jean Monnet Working Paper No.6/01 (pdf) - Mountain or Molehill? A Critical Appraisal of the Commission White Paper on Governance

Democracy in Crisis: The White Paper on European Governance - Nigel Farage MEP Paper No. 44 - 2001 The Bruges group

European governance and the future of the Commission - Ben Hall - 2000 - Centre for European Reform

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