Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs |
Mostafa Ajamay |
Labour market integration of refugees in the EU: Reaching economic potential through standardization process |
Clara Beermann |
What are Possible Learnings and Chances for Innovation of AI under the EU AIA wirth Regards to the EU's Environmental Laws and GDPR? |
Kai Bellmann |
Communicating Social and Environmental Transformations:An Investigation of How to Overcome People’s Preference for the Status Quo |
Vittoria Carrino |
Navigating Emotional Dynamics: Strategies for Conflict Resolution in the Camp David Accords |
Laura Crnic |
The Role of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) in Facilitating Private Climate Finance |
Giulia Croci |
EU trade policy: Exploring the Potential of an Enhanced EU-India Partnership as a Model for Future EU Trade Agreements |
Livia Dini |
China's Expanding Footprint in the Middle East: Reshaping Global Power Dynamics |
Eve Gratedoux |
The Cuban Missile Crisis and Russo-Ukrainian conflict from a behavioral perspective |
Daphne Janes |
Analysis of Human Rights Indicators and Evaluation of their Effectiveness as Measurement Tools to Assess Maternal Health Conditions |
Katerina Lewis |
China's Accelerated Geopolitical Emergence: Assessing Contributing Factors Amidst the Ukraine War |
Giulia Lorin |
The Challenges in Achieving SDG 14 (Life Below Water) in Nigeria: The Environmental Impact of Polices Regulating the Oil and Gas Industry |
Laura Mazzoni |
The Relationship between Income Inequality and Political Instability: A Panel Data Analysis of Latin America |
Laure-Anne Menke |
Learning from last crises: Enhancing EU food systems' resilience |
Elena Mussini |
Ethical Dilemmas of Autonomous Driving |
Jule Noack |
In Search Of Early-Warning Signals Of Socio-Political And Economic Crises In Developing And Emerging Economies Case Study: South Africa |
Cristiana Partinico |
Lessons for a Green Future Overview of Past Monetary and Fiscal Policies for the Green Transition |
Valentine Pesteil |
Governance, corruption, socio-economic inclusiveness. The correlation between bad governance, income inquality and wealth gap, and sustainable development. A cross-country comparison |
Luca Raffa |
Factors that have slowed down socio-economic development in resource rich African countries |
Mariana Rivera |
Composite Indicator for the Measurement of Quality of Life and Parity: A Mixed Approach in the Mexican Context |
Giorgio Romagnoli |
Partnerships for Sustainable Development - How do civil society organizations contribute to the delivery of the SDG? Working for Wasa case study |
Dana Ross |
The Changing Incentives of the Skills Gap: Private Enterprise’s Role in Human Capital Formation |
Kanitha Run |
EU Double Standards in Refugee Law: A Comparative Analysis of Ukrainian and Syrian Refugees Treatment in Poland |
Miller Schulman |
A Hypothesis-Generating Cross-Country Comparative Case Study of the US and UK's Digital Divide Policies from the 1990s to the Present Day |
Alice Scognamiglio |
Assessing the Effectiveness of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in Tunisia and Morocco |
Ludovica Vintari |
Organ trafficking: case studies and evidence form Nepal and Pakistan |
Sarah White |
The Current State of Cybercrime |
Tommaso Zucchella |
Events that brought to nowadays corruption in high places of FIFA |