European Institute | CIFE
Research  >  2012 - 2013

2012 - 2013

Theses 2012 - 2013

Trilingual Branch
ALPER, Dogan Emerging countries, Quo Vadimus? : A comparative analysis of Brazil, China, and Turkey’s current demographic and economic trajectory  
BAHM, Monika Implementation of the Bologna Process in France, Germany and the UK - Do the higher education reforms match with the Bologna objectives?  
BRÖCKER, Benjamin Die situation der Medienfreiheit in Frankreich und die Folgen für die Informationskultur in der Gesellschaft  
CANGEA, Veronica The legitimate power of Security Council  
DECONINCK, Ilse Le modèle social européen : manifeste pour une Europe sociale  
EIDELMAN, Svetlana Auswirkungen der deutsch-russischen Energiebeziehungen auf die gemeinsame Energieaußenpolitik der Europäischen Union  
GEORGIEVA, Rumyana European democracy promotion in North Africa Expectations vs. Reality (Analysis of approach and reaction during crisis)  
GRBAVAC, Mario Die Bosnienpolitik Kroatiens  
HARTMANN, Teresa Renewable Energy in MENA: Resource Curse or Resource Blessing? RE development and political economy in MENA  
HINCU, Damian La relation de la Roumanie avec l’OTAN, les interventions militaires internationales et la sécurité dans la Mer Méditerranée  
KYRIAKOU, Evangelia The problem of food insecurity within the context of population growth: Prospects by 2050  
MATHÉ, Isabelle Klein- und Mittelunternehmen, das Rückgrat der europäischen Wirtschaft. Eine empirische Arbeit zur Förderung von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen am Beispiel des EU-Programms ‚Erasmus für Jungunternehmer‘   
MILANOV, Andrej The Creation of the European Identity: Mission Impossible?  
MOLINA del POZO, Pablo Service européen pour l´action extérieure : une diplomatie pour l´Europe  
MORDELOVA, Zuzana Holocaust Memorization in Israel  
NDANGA MBAKOP, Audrey Les relations UE et les pays ACP : coopération économique dans les échanges de matières premières  
PREIN, Evgeny Enklaven in der europäischen Politik  -  Enclaves in the European Politics  
RASTAGAR, Razma Ein land auf dem Weg zum Frieden? Peacebuilding in Afghanistan  
REBOIS, Magali L’impact de la nouvelle stratégie européenne de développement durable sur le processus de fédéralisation de l’Union européenne  
L’intégration économique régionale en Amérique latine et en Europe: cas MERCOSUR et Union économique et monétaire (UEM)    
Crisis in the euro area: identification, evolution and adopted measures  
URSACHE, Maia Immigration et intégration en France    
VLASOV, Otilia Democracy and Governance in the Internet Age    
Anglophone Branch
ALESHKA, Volha The Anti-Corruption Policies of President Mikheil Saakashvili in Georgia (2003-2012)  
ALI Md, Forkan Emerging carbon markets and climate policy: A theoretical approach towards a global carbon market  
ALIKULOVA, Sitora Democracy. Is it possible in Russia?  
ALOULOU, Meriem Equity and Economic Governance  
BAKKER, Fleur Economic asymmetry and institutional shortfall in Mercosur: predictions for deepening Mercosur integration  
BALUNOVIC, Filip Serbia on the European periphery: The Process of Transition after 2000  
BILDAU, Linda Democratisation in the Arab Spring: The Case of Egypt  
BURAUEL, Patrick China and the Golden Straitjacket of Globalization  
CEBATORI, Nicolae Romanian – Moldavian Trans-border cooperation from European Neighbourhood Policy Perspective  
COBANOGLU, Nigar FEEDING THE WORLD IN 2050 - The Tragedy of Waste. Reducing Food Waste and Losses for Food Security in the Future  
FERNANDEZ, Oscar The democratic deficit of the European Union  
FIALAS, Avra Katerina After the Kofi Annan plan for the reunification of Cyprus 2004: Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Consequences for Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots  
FRANCISCO, Ellennor Petroleum Politics: China and Its National Oil Companies  
HAMAR DE LA BRETHONIERE, Charlotte The Securitisation of the European Development Policy  
JAVIER, Van Kenneth The Passion of the Phoenix – France’s Struggle against the Popular Culture of the United States  
KUSTURICA, Lejla “Others” in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina  
MANUKYAN, Hasmik Armenian - Turkish Relations: The Role of Civil Society in Reconciliation  
MIKKOLA, Nelli The European Union in the Arctic - In search of a coherent policy and prospective natural resources  
OGUTCU, Ozge Nur Soft Power and Public Diplomacy in Turkish Foreign Affairs: Neo-Ottomanism or A New Trend? (2009-2013). Analysis Over 2 Study Cases: Public Diplomacy Coordination Office of the Prime Ministry of Republic of Turkey and Yunus Emre Institution  
PAUNOVA, Marija Gender Mainstreaming in the Republic of Macedonia: Beyond the EU Lenses  
SAJDAK, Wiktor Assessing Strategic Partnership policy - Does EU-China Dialogue Architecture fit the objectives of EU Strategic Partnership Policy towards China?  
SEVINC, Neslihan Harmonization of Turkish Competition Law with EU Law  
SZELACHOWSKA, Ksenia Turkey's role in the international system: A regional power?  
TRAJANOVSKA, Ivana Impacts of Population Aging in the European Union - Responses of Germany and France  
TUMBA, Norline Nora EU Democracy Promotion in Africa: more Harm than Good?  
VU DOAN Bianka Natural resources and sea disputes  
YAMAN, Müge A Mismatch: Assessment of the Compatibility between the European Union’s Understanding of Decentralization of Power and that of Turkey’s as a Potential Member  
YASAR, Selin Turkey’s foreign policy: a shift of axis?  