Students who successfully complete the programme receive at the end of the academic year two certifications:
- The Master in Advanced European and International Studies or the Master in Energy Transition and Global Governance. These are the diplomas of CIFE, certifying the successful completion of the academic curriculum and granting (depending on the programme) 60 or 90 ECTS credits at Master level.
- The degree qualification "Chargé de Mission en Organisations Européennes et Internationales" (Policy Officer in European and International organisations). This qualification is recognised by the French state. It is registered in the French national register of professional qualifications (RNCP), which lists all diplomas, degrees and professional titles recognised by France. For more information with regard to this recognition please consult here.
The qualification is recognised as a degree at Master level (level 7 of the European qualifications Framework EQF). For more information with regard to the EQF see here.
Why CIFE opted for a title (level 1) registered in the National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP)?
1. A degree registered in the RNCP is fully recognised by the French government. The RNCP is the central reference framework for all diplomas, qualifications, and titles recognised by the French state.
2. The RNCP is the French national reference point within the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and provides transparent information about the level of a qualification with regards to European standards. A degree registered on level 1 corresponds to the EQF level 7 (Master level). Progressive implementation by the EQF throughout the members states will guarantee the international validity of the qualification.
3. Recognition in the framework in the RNCP is not only based on the quality of the academic programme but on the knowledge, skills and competences which are transmitted and evaluated. The accrediting body (CNCP) assesses the necessity of a qualification with regard to the job market, the relevance of the skills and competences for the profession, and the capacity of the degree-delivering institution to update its programme according to the development of the profession.
4. Recognition in the framework of the RNCP demonstrates not only that the graduates of the programme are employable, but also that they are in employment : the accrediting body (CNCP) verifies that at least three quarters of the graduates actually work in the professionnal field covered by the qualification. Only those qualifications which guarantee a high degree of professionnal integration of their graduates can receive recognition through the CNCP.
5. The profile of the "Chargé de mission en organisations européennes et internationales" covers practically the whole range of jobs exercised by the graduates of CIFE's Master programmes. Senior official in European institutions, policy officers within the UN framework, administrators, diplomats, consultants, researchers for think tanks, lobbyists, academic experts.